AlfieMul24. 9. 2023

Hello, im writing on behalf of my girlfriend who is essentially disabled at the moment as she does not eat or struggles to sleep due to extreme pain radiating from vagina. She gets extreme cramps and intense pain her pelvic area which goes all the way to her legs so she cannot walk. Her grandmother and mother had endometriosis and she has yet to be diagnosised here in UK because awful referal times etc. Last year she had no period for 9 months and then they resumed and now bleeds excessively with blood clots. We been to ER many times but they just ignore the situation. Was hoping you guys coulld see her diagnose and quickly treat her if possible. She is polish if that helps

Hello, I really don´t get what you´re asking for - you live in England and want medical care in Czech republic? Or you live here nad don´t have insurance? Anyway, I´m really not sure if refferal times here are different from England. And more - if you make appointment in outpatient ambulance, we probably will take your medical history and make some differential diagnosis, but that´s quite all, because our ward is not specialized in endometriosis problematics.